Learn God’s plan for citizenship

“Often it's like pulling teeth for Christians
to run for office, to call a legislator, or even to vote.

“Could it be because there’s mass confusion as to what the goal is? When God’s people do show up, it’s like everybody is swinging at their own windmills. Perhaps We’ve missed the big picture.”

-Biblical Civics

God has a revealed will
for government.

The Bible provides clear truth on nations and rulers.

Since Jesus is Lord, freedom and justice are possible.

a Study by
rep. R. Josiah Magnuson

Biblical Civics is a unique investigation of God and government for your Sunday School, small group, Bible study, or personal devotions. Learn why God created the civil realm, what responsibility Christians have to engage within it, and how we can take a stand for Christ's Lordship against the twin dangers of political supremacism and political abandonment. South Carolina legislator R. Josiah Magnuson carefully examines the foundations of government in Scripture and challenges believers to overcome evil with good as salt and light in the public arena.

Foreword by Dr. Kevin Baird

As a veteran pastor of four decades, I believe we live in a confused political era. We hear a spectrum of voices shouting that God’s people either must abdicate their place and faith in the civic space, or they must wrap their Jesus in an American flag and ground their theology in their political views.

Both of these edges are not only wrong, but they entirely miss the Biblical, historical, and constitutional point where genuine faith intersects with good governance.

Josiah Magnuson, a respected friend and a committed civic “minister” in the South Carolina State House, speaks to these points with credibility and accessibility. His book not only addresses numerous experiences of current culture and applies a Biblical worldview in regards to civic government, but lays the foundation as to why the Church must remain faithful as a witness and voice to the truth of Scripture.

Civic government is not a Republican idea or a Democrat idea, but actually God’s idea. Magnuson reminds us that an ordered society must be rooted in something more than temporal feelings and trendy philosophical fads. He does this by carefully laying the bricks of a Biblical worldview which takes seriously the claim that Jesus is Lord of ALL.

The substance you will find in these 12 chapters is a wonderful fit for disciples at every level of learning. I highly recommend this book for the next generation of Christian leaders.

Pastor Kevin R. Baird, D.Min., Orlando, Florida

Biblical Civics: Table of Contents

  1. Why Christians Should Care

  2. A Biblical Theology of Liberty

  3. Justice and God’s Boundaries

  4. Self-Governance, the Foundation

  5. The Power of the Family

  6. Opportunity in the Marketplace

  7. Biblical Separation of Church and State

  8. God and the United States Constitution

  9. How the Bible Says to Vote

  10. The Right Response to Unrighteous Rulers

  11. Action as a Christian Patriot

  12. Choosing to Live Free

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“Execute ye judgment, and righteousness, and deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor: and do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, nor the widow, neither shed innocent blood in this place.”

Jeremiah 22:2-3

It may not be “politically correct,” but Christ is the rightful King of this world.

-Week One of Biblical Civics

Actions by rulers have a direct effect on how society responds to truth and law. …Thus, God desires elected officials who provide a righteous example.

-Week Nine of Biblical Civics

About The Author

Rep. R. Josiah Magnuson has served in the South Carolina State House since 2016, representing the northernmost region of Spartanburg County. Josiah is known for his strong stand for family values, personal liberties, government reform, and adherence to the U.S. Constitution. In 2022, he co-founded the SC Freedom Caucus, where he now serves as Vice-Chair. He lives in the Inman area with his wife LeeAnn, their daughter JoLee Jael, and a baby boy on the way. They are active members of Mountain View Baptist Church.

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